Category Archives: workshop

2 March 2024, Museumnight 010: Let’s speak out! Protest banner workshops and presentation

On the occasion of Museumnight010 , we will activate our branch of the Protest Banner Lending Library, a project initiated by Aram Han Sifuentes (US). 

You can join the banner making workshop through the night, from 8 to 12 pm – Aram will join us online at 9 pm!

We join forces ones more with Patricia Fonseca Monteiro / Invalid Atelier, our neighbour, located at Rijnhoutplein. On both locations, visitors are invited to jump in the banner making process and see their slogans become part of the Protest Banner Lending Library. 

The Protest Banner Lending Library was created by US-based artist, writer and educator, and former artist in residence at PrintRoom Aram Han Sifuentes (she/they), in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election. The project emerges from Aram’s interest in the subversive and socio-political potentialities of skill-sharing. PrintRoom is a permanent branch of Protest Banner Lending Library, currently the only such branch in the Netherlands. Banners can be loaned free of charge for a variety of occasions—including demonstrations, rallies, parades and in-door events.

Images: Creating and demonstrating the Protest Banner Library Branche at PrintRoom with Aram Han Sifuentes, artists, activists and neighbours (2021, ongoing).

Your slogan can address various personal, environmental, social or political topics, like the housing crisis, social injustice issues, support for refugees, LGBTQIA+ solidarity. 
The Protest Banner Lending Library branch at PrintRoom will be activated as a space for people to gain skills to learn to make their own banners, a communal making space where we support each other’s voices, and a place where people can check out handmade banners to use in protests. The workshop does not require prior knowledge of sewing.

Friday 23 February 2024: Books are Bridges workshop bookbinding

French link stitch by Gersande Schellinx 

Step by step, a small group of participants will be guided to bind blank papers to a mix of repurposed misprints from our riso workshop.

French link stitch is one of the safest ways to make scattered prints or papers come together as a whole. Sewn sections are the (usually) most hidden craft at the core of many bindings. It is the perfect method to learn a wide range of steps towards bookmaking.

One can get familiar with basic bookbinding tools and techniques while making this one object (folding, punching holes, sewing, cutting, etc.) This process also introduces how one can map out prints for a publication, being mindful of the format of your materials and the potential of pattern-making on your (note)book’s spine.

No book is indestructible, but sewn sections are one of the most durable bindings in the publishing world.

From 18:30 to 21:30
Participation fee: 25 euro / 20 euro (students)

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