
The Protest Banner Lending Library at PrintRoom

The concept of the Protest Banner Lending Library was created by US-based artist, writer and educator Aram Han Sifuentes (she/they), in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election. The project emerges from Aram’s interest in the subversive and socio-political potentialities of skill-sharing. Aram’s banner-making workshops can be understood as a ‘commoning’ of textile techniques, as equally poetic as it is practical. Through this gesture of designing, constructing and freely circulating banners, the Protest Banner Lending Library nurtures intergenerational community-building, social action, and both individual and collective empowerment.

In the autumn of 2021, Aram was publisher-in-residence at PrintRoom. Over the course of several workshops, Aram instructed participants on how to create a banner that requires no prior knowledge of sewing. In turn, participants are able to further distribute this knowledge to others. The resulting banners reflect a broad spectrum of personal and collective urgencies — including: the housing crisis, climate change and sustainability, LGBTQIA+ solidarity, the rights of undocumented people, and respecting our mothers. On the 9th October, a pop-up exhibition of the banner decorated the Rijnhoutplein, and a parade proceeded along the Nieuwe Binnenweg towards Eendrachtsplein.

PrintRoom is a permanent branch of Protest Banner Lending Library, currently the only such branch in the Netherlands. Banners can be loaned free of charge for a variety of occasions — including demonstrations, rallies, parades and in-door events.

If you would like to borrow a banner, please contact us:

Photographs by Willem Mes

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Zwarte Piet? Nee Dankje (Black Peter, no thanks)
Queer the Future
Cheap Housing Now
We can’t eat money
Fight those who exploit nature and human
Touch Art
Mama zegt wonen is een recht (Mom says housing is a right)
Oceans rise. So do we
De Bieb terug in de buurt (Bring the library back to the neighborhood)
Clitoris club
Idem ditto
Rest your mouth properly
Take less, give more
καμία μόνη / Kamia Monh (Not alone)
I love her and that’s ok
Be better at ____
White girls acting like gay boys acting like black women
Look Inward
Wei Ijsen Eiskappen (We demand ice caps)
Image forthcomingRespect your mother
Image forthcomingToo cute to be binary
Image forthcomingYou can’t plan where culture happens
Image forthcomingMars is not an option
Image forthcomingIf you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of he oppressor