9 – 12 November: PrintRoom joins Offprint Paris

9 to 12 November 2023
Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris

PrintRoom will join Offprint Paris with a selection of our  publications and works by publishing platforms that we dearly support. In line with the Books Are Bridges concept, we will bring back new editions for our shop and archive in Rotterdam. 

At Offprint we will serve watermelon (in the form of a pin) and Cease Fire buttons. Donate what you can. Profit goes to Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP).

We will also bring reprints of Intifada Milk (2015), which explores a hidden chapter in the history of Palestinian resistance, and its vision to be an independent nation. Illustrations by Sofia Niazi, with text by Arwa Aburawa and created for the OOMK Visions of the Future reading room exhibition at IHRC Bookshop. Reprinted by PrintRoom in November 2023. 

€ 5 euro or donate what you can.

For an overview of stalls and talks, go to Offprint Paris.

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